Entradas Loro Parque Tenerife ⭕️

Av. Loro Parque, s/n, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Desde 42,00€


Un día de fauna salvaje en Loro Parque Tenerife

Loro Parque es un parque zoológico con animales de distintas especies, que te ofrece vivir un día de aventura rodeado de todos los animales que te puedas imaginar. Ya ha tenido más de 40 millones de visitantes. Consigue tu entrada y súmate a esa larga lista que ya han disfrutado con todos los animales.

Además, con tu entrada podrás acceder a todos los hábitats naturales que se han recreado y a shows espectaculares como el Orca Ocean, donde las 6 orcas que viven allí te cautivarán con un precioso espectáculo.

Compra tus entradas para Loro Parque y no te pierdas ninguna de las especies animales que allí te esperan, incluso animales en peligro de extinción donde son cuidados con mucho cariño. Es el primer parque del mundo de su tipo y ha sido galardonado con el certificado medioambiental de Animal Embassy.

Además, si tienes pensado pasar el día entero en el parque, podrás comer allí mismo ya que dispones de 7 restaurantes variados para que puedas elegir el que más te gusta. Disfruta de un día diferente rodeando de fauna salvaje.


  • 9:30 a 17:30 todos los días
  • Duración aproximada de la visita: 2-3 horas

Precio de las entradas para Loro Parque

Adquiere ya tu entrada y podrás acceder a todas las atracciones del parque, visitar los distintos hábitats de los animales y ver los espectáculos que hay preparados a lo largo de todo el parque.

  • Acceso sin colas
  • Desplazamiento gratuito con el Tren Express de ida y vuelta
  • Acceso a todos los espectáculos y animales
  • WiFi gratuito en todo el parque
+ Cargar más


Av. Loro Parque, s/n, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Tren Express: stop Reyes Católicos

Selecciona tu entrada
Entradas Loro Parque


  • Entrada prioritaria al parque zoológico Loro Parque

* Estos precios y promociones online no están disponibles en las taquillas del parque

+ Cargar más
Desde 42,00€


Entradas para Loro Parque + Siam Park


Entradas para Loro Parque y Siam Park, 2 días 2 parques.
No se puede repetir recinto.
Tienes 6 meses para visitar el otro recinto desde la fecha de tu primera visita

* Estos precios y promociones online no están disponibles en las taquillas del parque

+ Cargar más
Desde 74,00€

Opiniones (316)

(Netherlands Antilles) 23/09/2019

access fast and easy

Jhon Van (United Arab Emirates) 19/09/2019

we repeat

(Armenia) 19/09/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Saint Barthelemy) 18/09/2019

we enjoy

(Benin) 15/09/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Antigua and Barbuda) 15/09/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bermuda) 11/09/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Saint Barthelemy) 10/09/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Bahrain) 10/09/2019

on time

(Afghanistan) 23/08/2019

all its ok

(Albania) 22/08/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Angola) 22/08/2019


(Azerbaijan) 19/08/2019

we repeat

(Andorra) 19/08/2019

we enjoy

(Australia) 18/08/2019

we repeat

(Afghanistan) 16/08/2019

all its ok

(Albania) 14/08/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Anguilla) 12/08/2019

fantastic day!

(United Arab Emirates) 12/08/2019

on time

(Bulgaria) 23/07/2019

Great service

(Australia) 20/07/2019


(Saint Barthelemy) 19/07/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Belgium) 15/07/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Antarctica) 12/07/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Aruba) 12/07/2019

very fast

(Antarctica) 11/07/2019

it was fast, excelent

Rita (Belgium) 10/07/2019

access fast and easy

(Armenia) 23/06/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(United Arab Emirates) 21/06/2019

we enjoy

(Benin) 19/06/2019

Great service

(Bulgaria) 18/06/2019

perfect, acces easy

(Bermuda) 11/06/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Aruba) 23/05/2019


(American Samoa) 23/05/2019

on time

(Bahrain) 20/05/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Bahrain) 20/05/2019


(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 18/05/2019

on time

(Brunei Darussalam) 11/05/2019

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Armenia) 10/05/2019

we repeat

(Antigua and Barbuda) 19/04/2019

very gratefull

(Bulgaria) 18/04/2019

all its ok

(Argentina) 18/04/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Netherlands Antilles) 14/04/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Argentina) 13/04/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Aland Islands) 13/04/2019

very fast

(Netherlands Antilles) 22/03/2019

very fast

(Andorra) 20/03/2019


(Antarctica) 20/03/2019

very fast

(Afghanistan) 20/03/2019

we enjoy

(Brunei Darussalam) 19/03/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Afghanistan) 16/03/2019

all its ok

(Burkina Faso) 11/03/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Azerbaijan) 11/03/2019

Great service

(Angola) 11/03/2019

all its ok

(Azerbaijan) 11/03/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Albania) 10/03/2019

all its ok

(Andorra) 23/02/2019

access fast and easy

(Bolivia) 22/02/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Austria) 22/02/2019

Just on time, good organization

(American Samoa) 22/02/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Andorra) 20/02/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Bulgaria) 19/02/2019


(Bolivia) 19/02/2019

we enjoy

(Afghanistan) 18/02/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Anguilla) 18/02/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Antigua and Barbuda) 12/02/2019

Just on time, good organization

(Angola) 10/02/2019

we repeat

(Brunei Darussalam) 22/01/2019

very gratefull

(Albania) 22/01/2019

Great service

(Barbados) 19/01/2019

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bolivia) 17/01/2019

we enjoy

(Netherlands Antilles) 15/01/2019

we enjoy

(Burundi) 14/01/2019

it was fast, excelent

(Austria) 14/01/2019

we repeat

(Andorra) 14/01/2019

fantastic day!

(Argentina) 13/01/2019

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bahrain) 12/01/2019

very gratefull

Rusell (Saint Barthelemy) 12/01/2019

all its ok

(Aruba) 10/01/2019

on time

(Barbados) 20/09/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Antigua and Barbuda) 20/09/2018

fantastic day!

(Burundi) 19/09/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Anguilla) 19/09/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Barbados) 19/09/2018

we repeat

(Austria) 18/09/2018

access fast and easy

(Burkina Faso) 17/09/2018

very gratefull

(Azerbaijan) 17/09/2018

we repeat

(Afghanistan) 12/09/2018

access fast and easy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 20/08/2018

access fast and easy

(Burkina Faso) 18/08/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Anguilla) 18/08/2018

very gratefull

(Barbados) 17/08/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Andorra) 17/08/2018

perfect, acces easy

(Bulgaria) 14/08/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Azerbaijan) 13/08/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Brunei Darussalam) 12/08/2018

very gratefull

(Burkina Faso) 11/08/2018

access fast and easy

(Aruba) 23/07/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Australia) 22/07/2018

access fast and easy

(Brunei Darussalam) 20/07/2018

Great service

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 19/07/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bahrain) 17/07/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(American Samoa) 14/07/2018

Great service

(Antigua and Barbuda) 12/07/2018

we repeat

(Barbados) 22/06/2018

very gratefull

(Anguilla) 18/06/2018

very gratefull

(Belgium) 16/06/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

Melisa (Antigua and Barbuda) 15/06/2018

fantastic day!

Rusell (Netherlands Antilles) 14/06/2018

we enjoy

(Bermuda) 23/05/2018

access fast and easy

(Barbados) 23/05/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Burundi) 20/05/2018

fantastic day!

(Afghanistan) 19/05/2018

Great service

(Bulgaria) 18/05/2018

very fast

(Austria) 15/05/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Anguilla) 12/05/2018

we enjoy

(Bahrain) 11/05/2018

Just on time, good organization

(Azerbaijan) 21/04/2018

fantastic day!

(Bahrain) 21/04/2018

fantastic day!

(Armenia) 20/04/2018

access fast and easy

(Armenia) 19/04/2018

all its ok

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 18/04/2018

Great service

(Netherlands Antilles) 17/04/2018


(Brunei Darussalam) 12/04/2018


(Angola) 10/04/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Andorra) 10/04/2018

on time

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/03/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Barbados) 17/03/2018

we enjoy

(Australia) 17/03/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Antigua and Barbuda) 17/03/2018


(Bangladesh) 16/03/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Afghanistan) 14/03/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Antarctica) 14/03/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 13/03/2018

Just on time, good organization

(American Samoa) 12/03/2018

we repeat

(Bangladesh) 11/03/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Bangladesh) 10/03/2018

we repeat

(Bolivia) 23/02/2018

access fast and easy

(Afghanistan) 22/02/2018

it was fast, excelent

(Burkina Faso) 20/02/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Netherlands Antilles) 16/02/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bermuda) 14/02/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Argentina) 11/02/2018

access fast and easy

(Benin) 11/02/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Brunei Darussalam) 11/02/2018

very fast

(American Samoa) 20/01/2018

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bahrain) 17/01/2018

access fast and easy

(Angola) 16/01/2018

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Azerbaijan) 15/01/2018

very gratefull

(Netherlands Antilles) 10/01/2018

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Antigua and Barbuda) 22/09/2017

very fast

(Bermuda) 20/09/2017

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Benin) 19/09/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Saint Barthelemy) 19/09/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Austria) 18/09/2017

all its ok

(Aland Islands) 15/09/2017


(Barbados) 10/09/2017

on time

(Aruba) 21/08/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Austria) 20/08/2017

very gratefull

(Australia) 19/08/2017

all its ok

(Bolivia) 17/08/2017

we enjoy

(American Samoa) 16/08/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Anguilla) 14/08/2017

all its ok

(Austria) 13/08/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Austria) 13/08/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Albania) 11/08/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Bulgaria) 10/08/2017

we enjoy

(American Samoa) 23/07/2017

access fast and easy

(Bangladesh) 23/07/2017

very gratefull

(Belgium) 22/07/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Anguilla) 21/07/2017

access fast and easy

(Azerbaijan) 20/07/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Burundi) 20/07/2017

fantastic day!

(Aland Islands) 19/07/2017

fantastic day!

(Burkina Faso) 18/07/2017


(Armenia) 17/07/2017

very gratefull

Ricardo (United Arab Emirates) 13/07/2017

on time

(Aruba) 13/07/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Belgium) 10/07/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Burundi) 10/07/2017

we enjoy

(Bolivia) 23/06/2017

very gratefull

(Armenia) 21/06/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Antigua and Barbuda) 19/06/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Belgium) 19/06/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Benin) 18/06/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Saint Barthelemy) 17/06/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Angola) 15/06/2017

access fast and easy

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 15/06/2017

all its ok

(United Arab Emirates) 14/06/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Andorra) 13/06/2017

very gratefull

(Angola) 12/06/2017

all its ok

(Benin) 12/06/2017

access fast and easy

(Angola) 22/05/2017

all its ok

(Australia) 20/05/2017

we enjoy

(Bermuda) 18/05/2017


(Belgium) 17/05/2017

Great service

(Aland Islands) 16/05/2017

it was fast, excelent

Jhon (Bangladesh) 16/05/2017

Great service

(Brunei Darussalam) 16/05/2017

all its ok

(Bulgaria) 15/05/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Bahrain) 23/04/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 23/04/2017

all its ok

(Anguilla) 18/04/2017

fantastic day!

(Benin) 15/04/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Bangladesh) 14/04/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Australia) 22/03/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Afghanistan) 20/03/2017

Great service

(United Arab Emirates) 19/03/2017

all its ok

(Benin) 19/03/2017

we enjoy

(Bahrain) 16/03/2017

access fast and easy

(Burkina Faso) 12/03/2017


(Benin) 12/03/2017

access fast and easy

(Brunei Darussalam) 10/03/2017

perfect, acces easy

(American Samoa) 10/03/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Barbados) 22/02/2017

we repeat

(Austria) 22/02/2017

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Brunei Darussalam) 21/02/2017

we enjoy

(Aruba) 19/02/2017

access fast and easy

(Aruba) 18/02/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Andorra) 13/02/2017


(Aruba) 13/02/2017

very gratefull

(Australia) 12/02/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Burkina Faso) 11/02/2017

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Austria) 10/02/2017

very fast

(Bolivia) 10/02/2017

fantastic day!

(Australia) 23/01/2017

perfect, acces easy

(Azerbaijan) 23/01/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Aruba) 22/01/2017

very gratefull

(Anguilla) 22/01/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Barbados) 21/01/2017

fantastic day!

Jhon Van (Benin) 19/01/2017

it was fast, excelent

(Benin) 19/01/2017

on time

(Benin) 12/01/2017

Just on time, good organization

(Angola) 12/01/2017

Great service

(United Arab Emirates) 10/01/2017

on time

(Bangladesh) 23/09/2016

it was fast, excelent

(United Arab Emirates) 21/09/2016

on time

(Austria) 20/09/2016

we enjoy

(Antigua and Barbuda) 19/09/2016

Great service

Toni (Burkina Faso) 19/09/2016

very gratefull

(Bermuda) 15/09/2016

we repeat

(Aland Islands) 15/09/2016

we repeat

(Burkina Faso) 13/09/2016

we enjoy

(Anguilla) 13/09/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Bahrain) 11/09/2016

all its ok

(Brunei Darussalam) 11/09/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Aruba) 10/09/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Armenia) 10/09/2016

access fast and easy

Russell (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 17/08/2016

very gratefull

(Belgium) 14/08/2016


(Argentina) 11/08/2016

access fast and easy

(Brunei Darussalam) 10/08/2016

access fast and easy

(Bahrain) 23/07/2016

all its ok

(American Samoa) 22/07/2016

Great service

(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 18/07/2016


(Netherlands Antilles) 15/07/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Azerbaijan) 15/07/2016

all its ok

(Aruba) 13/07/2016

very fast

(Antigua and Barbuda) 13/07/2016

fantastic day!

(Albania) 11/07/2016

access fast and easy

Russell (United Arab Emirates) 11/07/2016

access fast and easy

(Barbados) 23/06/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Andorra) 23/06/2016

we repeat

(Saint Barthelemy) 22/06/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Barbados) 21/06/2016

all its ok

(Argentina) 19/06/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bermuda) 13/06/2016

access fast and easy

(Bermuda) 11/06/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Barbados) 10/06/2016

fantastic day!

(Aruba) 22/05/2016

on time

(Netherlands Antilles) 20/05/2016

very gratefull

(Barbados) 16/05/2016

we enjoy

(Belgium) 15/05/2016

we enjoy

(Antarctica) 13/05/2016

we repeat

(Benin) 13/05/2016

all its ok

(Barbados) 11/05/2016

on time

(Antigua and Barbuda) 11/05/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Andorra) 22/04/2016

all its ok

Rita (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 22/04/2016

very gratefull

(Armenia) 22/04/2016

very gratefull

(Andorra) 19/04/2016

we repeat

(Bulgaria) 18/04/2016

Great service

(Andorra) 14/04/2016

on time

(Belgium) 10/04/2016

all its ok

(Burundi) 22/03/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Bangladesh) 19/03/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Anguilla) 18/03/2016

on time

(Netherlands Antilles) 15/03/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Brunei Darussalam) 15/03/2016

access fast and easy

Melisa (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 14/03/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Barbados) 13/03/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Bermuda) 12/03/2016

very gratefull

(United Arab Emirates) 10/03/2016

good experiencie, aesy acces and thanks.

(Bahrain) 22/02/2016


(Belgium) 20/02/2016


(Australia) 19/02/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Netherlands Antilles) 18/02/2016

we repeat

(Azerbaijan) 17/02/2016

access fast and easy

Natalie (Australia) 14/02/2016

very fast

(Benin) 14/02/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Austria) 13/02/2016

we repeat

(Anguilla) 13/02/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Afghanistan) 12/02/2016

Great service

(Azerbaijan) 12/02/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Azerbaijan) 10/02/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Aland Islands) 10/02/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Anguilla) 10/02/2016


(Andorra) 22/01/2016


(Austria) 20/01/2016

on time

(Bulgaria) 15/01/2016

good experiencie. good Organizatión, thanks!

(Aruba) 14/01/2016

fantastic, it was fantastic

(Armenia) 14/01/2016

Just on time, good organization

(Antigua and Barbuda) 12/01/2016

it was fast, excelent

(Bangladesh) 11/01/2016

fantastic day!

(Belgium) 11/01/2016

perfect, acces easy

(Australia) 10/01/2016

all its ok

+ Ver todas las opiniones
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